What was the point of adopting Obamacare if it was not going
to transform the health-care landscape?
While foes of the new Affordable Care Act are seizing on
Target’s announcement that it will no longer provide health coverage to
part-time employees as proof that ACA is doing more harm than good, that view
is shortsighted.
But true systemic change is not simple. The point is, the system we had before
Obamacare was broken, and its destructive impact on U.S. employment was never
understood. Our third-party payer
system, where employers feel the brunt of insurance costs, is a disaster that the ACA will
eventually fix.
Target’s decision is a win-win-win-win situation. The
employer wins by cutting its costs; employees win by gaining the chance for
better coverage; insurance companies win by getting new customers; and
prospective employees seeking a job win because perhaps Target can now afford
to hire more of them.
“These part-time workers will most likely be better off
under Obamacare plans, and Target’s decision to shift the employees into the
marketplaces is definitive proof that the health law is doing exactly what it’s intended to do,”
reported the website Think Progress.
Numerous disincentives to third-party coverage were built
into the law, mostly in the form of generous subsidies to individuals who buy
their coverage at Healthcare.gov. More and more employers will drop their
coverage altogether, finding it more cost-effective to pay the fines rather
than provide the coverage. But that is exactly the point. Why should employers
be providing the coverage in the first place? We don’t expect them to insure
our homes or cars. This is precisely what was wrong with our system in the
first place, and you can find this assertion at conservative think tanks if you
dig deep enough into their archives.
Both sides are guilty of oversimplifying ACA’s groundbreaking
impact, not the lest of which was President Obama’s claim that you could keep
your insurance if you liked it. Most people will, but to claim a major reform
is not so major after all misses the whole point.
Obamacare is giving us all lessons in economics and health coverage.
The sooner we learn them, the better off we will be. Then we can focus on continuing
to change and improve the system.
One of the awesome information about Target’s health-care decision actually helps employees .Thanks for the nice information about this.